Our Squadron structure includes 3 Flights and the Command Staff

What is a Flight?

  • In the Buffalo Creek Academy Cadet Squadron our flights operate very similar to regular Civil Air Patrol Squadrons due to their size. Our flights each have (on average) over 20 cadets and 2 Senior Members.

Each NY-824 Flight has the following personnel:

  • Flight Commander (Senior Member)

  • Flight Operations Officer (Senior Member)

  • Flight Cadet Commander (Cadet)

What is a Squadron?

  • The squadron is the basic unit by which Civil Air Patrol achieves its goals. All of our Flights, plus the Command Staff, make up our Squadron.

  • NY-824 is a special program that is attached to our school (Buffalo Creek Academy Charter School). To learn more about Cadets at School please click here.

Who are on the Command Staff?

  • Squadron Commander (Senior Member)

  • Squadron Finance Officer (Senior Member)

  • Squadron Personnel Officer (Senior Member)

  • Squadron Leadership Officer (Senior Member)

  • Squadron Safety Officer (Senior Member)

  • Squadron Cadet Commander (Cadet)